Maurizio Petta|Private Capital and Public Institutions for Shared Strategic Social Interest


Source: China-Europe-America Wechat Official Account 

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Chairman of the Isabella Seràgnoli Foundation, Maurizio Petta's Speech

Good morning everyone, and thank you for the invitation to participate to the speech.

We live in a social era so characterized by the innovative impact of technologies, and therefore, we may have through them the opportunity to build initiatives capable of bringing added value to a larger portion of the population that until now was excluded due to the lack of access to the same products of innovation.

In this scenario, we believe that the world of philanthropy has the duty to adopt every innovative solution available, not only to consolidate current practices, but to contribute to the exploration of new ways to increase the impact and effectiveness of the philanthropic interventions.


The Isabella Seràgnoli Foundation was established by the homonymous Bolognese philanthropist and entrepreneur, active in the industrial field in several sectors characterized by a strong technological impact, with an orientation based on the use of economic resources aimed at maximizing their effectiveness, therefore based on the entrepreneurial culture.


The Foundation has been working for about twenty years in its community of reference, coordinating numerous initiatives of social interest, mainly in the social health field, in full respect of the principles of subsidiarity that guide in a virtuous way the relationship between private and public. Acting as a holding company, the Foundation coordinates and supervises the activity of four operational foundations, each dedicated to a specific area of intervention, which while acting independently, can count on the Foundation's contribution of a strategic nature, including the integration of individual activities within the public sector ecosystem.


Among these foundations, the most historic, founded in 2002, is engaged in the construction of a hospice for the care of children with terminal diseases, which will be operational from 2022.

In the Italian context, because of its intrinsic characteristics, palliative care is considered as a non-priority area compared to that of therapies where the cure coincides with the healing from the pathology.


With the new Children's Hospice, promoted by the Isabella Seràgnoli Foundation, we started from the best international practices in paediatric palliative care to structure a model of excellence for the city of Bologna, that could become possibly also an international benchmark.


We asked the research centre of the Imperial College in London, specialized in innovative solutions to improve citizens' health, to carry out a study starting from the international mapping of the main therapeutic necessities of families with paediatric palliative care needs, in order to classify the most effective management models.


In short, the study revealed some important guidelines to develop a therapeutic protocol integrative to the existing, able to represent the synthesis of the best available experiences and to give priority to areas typically considered secondary or not attainable given the available resources of the agencies in charge.


To pursue this interest in measuring the impact of any investment in which we become active in a comprehensive and systematic way, we have decided to create a new Institute, the AIS Foundation, with the mission of Advancing Impact and Sustainability. The Institute will address the development of an impact measurement approach which will encompass the intangible, qualitative personal impact as much as the more traditional financial, social and environmental impact. By including quality of life "returns", this initiative promises to empower future decision-making with a substantially improved evidence base.


We hope that by integrating this new innovative approach and methodological tools to our already cutting-edge therapeutic protocols, we could also give a substantial contribution in consolidating children palliative care best practices for a global impact in this very sensitive niche of social needs. Thank you.


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